Day 53 of Dress the Rainbow in light grey with Natalie Holbrook of the lifestyle blog, Hey Natalie Jean. I caught her just as she was about to move from NYC to Moscow, Idaho and I’m so lucky I did! I felt like I was picking up a conversation with an old friend, though we had only just met for the first time . If you haven’t read her blog, you’re in for a treat. I know people say they don’t “read blogs anymore, but treat yo self and save some brain power for her hilarious and poignant musings on motherhood and marriage. This girl is gifted with the pen, errr. keyboard. And also! She came out with a book earlier this year called Hey Natalie Jean: Advice, Musings, and Inspiration and its everything you want in a book: style, funnies, wisdom. I strongly recommend it! Thanks for playing with me Natalie!
Shop Light Grey Below!
Natalie Holbrook for Dress the Rainbow