This gazebo is where Liesel and Rolph should have chosen for their 16 going on 17 number. Isn’t it subtly gorgeous with the monochromatic painting along the frieze? This is the site of my next paper flower workshop…I wish.
Covered in hay.
Guys! Are you dying here with me? I mean, have you seen such beauty? Come on! In my dreams, I’m back again exploring the new orangerie and soaking in the wildflowers.
ALSO, did you know that there’s a tradition in Sweden for May Day that all the girls collect wildflowers, put them under their pillow, and then they supposedly dream about their husband? CRAZY! Swedes, is this for real? I read it somewhere on the web. Someone please confirm!
EDIT: My lovely Scandnavian commenters have told me that it’s for Midsummer, NOT May Day. But glad to see it’s confirmed. Thank you!