Step 1: Decide how long you want your strap to be and cut the ribbon that length. Cut the cotton webbing about 6″ longer than the ribbon.
Step 2: Fold the edge of the ribbon over about 1/4″ inch.
Step 3: Place the ribbon on top of the cotton webbing about 2″ from the end.
Step 4: With your machine, stitch down the side of the ribbon. Make sure you have a needle strong enough to go through all the layers. I got a needle that works for leather just in case.
Step 5: Insert your dog leash at the end of the cotton webbing and stitch across the end.
Step 6: Stitch many times over. I even stitched across into the end to really make sure.
Step 7: Repeat at the other side. The cotton webbing will overlap on the back about 2-3″.
Step 8: The dog leashes were too large to enter through the space of my camera holder attachments so I added in the metal split rings.
Easy, right? And seriously, I’m stoked for my new camera strap. I’m even more stoked that I found a good use for my beautiful ribbon. Now, what do I do with the rest of the yardage? I think I have like 6 yards! Help!