To assemble the pinwheel:
- Paint the dowel green with acrylic (spray or duck tape would work too) to mimic the stem of a flower.
- Drill a hole about 1″ down from the top of the dowel.
- Insert a 15″ piece of wire into the hole leaving about 9″ on one side extended. Wrap the remaining 6″ around the stem of the dowel tightly to secure.
- Insert two beads onto the other side of the wire.
- After you’ve made a pinwheel shape (see below for directions), insert it onto the wire on top of the beads.
- Once the pinwheel is made, insert another bead on top.
- Insert any other decoration you’d like to affix. I attached a black scalloped middle.
- Finish off the decoration by bending the wire down and cutting it down to about 1″.