The moment I found out I was pregnant I started searching for a place to create a baby registry. Ha! How’s that for wasting no time! Clearly, I was pretty stoked. For me, a registry was less about asking friends for gifts (because how uncomfortable is that?!) and more about gathering all the products for baby in one central location in order to provide friends and family a quick and easy way to locate helpful gifts. These days I’m all about saving time for everyone! Time efficiency is my love language.
After doing some snooping around on the webs, I realized that I didn’t want a registry from just one shop because it’s too limiting and I didn’t like the idea of registering at many shops (“the new mom is registered at so and so, and so and so, and so and so”, so awkward!) plus I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of it all. In my searching, I came across Babylist, which advertised as a one-stop baby registry from anywhere on the web. That’s PRECISELY what I was looking for…and I didn’t even know it!
I used Babylist throughout my pregnancy and beyond. In fact, I still use it to gather items together (and I’ll tell you why below). I even forced my sister to go and sign up right away too when she announced she was pregnant over Christmas. It’s never too early to start! I have a tendency to forget items that I said I would always remember once it’s finally time to note them down. Does that ever happen to you?
Anyway, I loved the service so much that I reached out to them to see if they’d want to partner and I’m so thrilled that it’s worked out so I can offer you painless registry experience solution with a heartfelt endorsement! SCORE!
Not only that! No, no, along with my encouragement to sign up for Babylist (do yourself a favor!), I’m also offering a FREE PRINTABLE baby shower invitation. We created it for my sister’s baby shower that we threw in June and I LOVE how it turned out. We had an Alexander Girard theme complete with a baby block accordion invitations and they are SOOOO cute.
First up, when you sign up for Babylist, you are eligible to receive the Hello Baby Box. Now, this is a new perk so I didn’t get one at the time when I registered last year, so, you lucky thing, you get all of this, which includes a lot of samples that you actually need. Ha! I wouldn’t have known that these items are helpful before I had children, but these are the basic essentials for baby, nursing, and mama. Please note, items are subject to change and restrictions may apply.They all come in a nifty box along with a pack of cards that you can include in your baby shower invitations to note where the mom-to-be is registered. HANDY!
Benefits to Babylist
SO, why do I love Babylist? Like I mentioned, you can add items from all over the web and include them all in one location. Take a look below to see some of the options like how to add items from other sites, how to request cash, etc. And then, here are some of the items that I added to my list. You can see that it lists the places where you got them from (even little shops on Etsy!).
How to add items to your registry
My favorite way to add items to the registry is by installing the “add to Babylist” button on your toolbar. When you do that, it does the same thing that my Pinterest button does, and gathers all the information from the product so you can add it to your list. Here’s an example:

Why I still use Babylist and why you should too
I mentioned earlier that I continue to use my registry. Why? Well, I love having all my favorite picks in one place so that if I ever get pregnant again, I’m set! You can also make new/additional lists in your account for holidays and birthdays. In addition, generous kind friends continue to ask for my registry, so I love keeping it active. I try to include items that are in a variety of price points too so people don’t feel any pressure on the financial end.
My sister did an even better job of utilizing Babylist. She collected recommendations from lots of friends and family and thoughtfully added items to her registry. You can see her list here. I find it helpful to note when the item has been fulfilled, rather than deleting it from your list, so that you can always keep a good baby essentials list going.
How to find a registry
Every registrant receives a unique URL (here’s mine), but it can often be tricky to get it in correctly, so the best way to find a registry on the Babylist site is by searching by name.
Free printable baby block invitation
Now, who wants a free printable baby block and accordion invitation? We created an Alexander Girard theme for Caitlin’s shower. Her last name is Boyes and she’s having a boy, so we played off that theme. We cut out the block templates and then sent them flat in an envelope for easy assembly on the receivers end. Of course, it would also be cute to send pre-assembled, but I was worried about them getting ruined in the mail. We folded the accordion so you can easily fit it into the block as a cute favor and reminder. I have mine still sitting on my mantle at home because IT’S SO DANG CUTE!
Next week I’ll be sharing the rest of the baby shower elements and that will also be free to download along with pics of the shower, so stay tuned!
Ok, ok, needless to say, I’m a huge fan of Babylist and I will endorse until the cows go home, but just go do yourself a favor, or send this post to someone who is pregnant or planning on getting pregnant. You can only win! Best baby gift registry out there!
This post is sponsored by Babylist, but you can’t buy this enthusiasm! Thank you to our sponsors who allow us to make helpful and beautiful content for you!