The best foundation to any landscape masterpiece is a great canvas. For most people that includes GRASS. The lovely groundcover that adds green, texture, soft foot cover, and lowers the temperature of your yard AND makes the best playground for Baby Jasper. Sometimes it’s easy to forget it’s even there. Together with Gilmour, we’ve rounded up our favorite watering tools, tips, tricks, and patterns to keep your canvas looking fresh for those flowerbeds.
Ohh la la!
Lawn watering this year has been a little different. Utah is a desert and usually we’re dry as a bone. This year… NOT SO. Utah basically decided to be the Pacific Northwest. It constantly rained and with all that extra water it transformed into a green wonderland. This change in our normal season affected our normal watering patterns. We got so used to having green grass with no extra water! Now that the summer temps have returned to normal our lawns have been looking a little brown and crispy. Gilmour to the rescue! We’ve been using these Gilmour products to keep our greens lush just like our friends in the PNW!
Super Duty Hose – the hose makes it easy to get water to any hard to reach spots. With its heavy duty construction there isn’t any chance of water leakage!
Rectangular Sprinkler – This disperses the water evenly across large areas of your lawn. You can adjust the pressure and amount of water it uses so it’s perfect for a dry patch or reaching your entire lawn! PLUS this tool doubles a classic summer fun staple. Jasper LOVED playing in the water! Don’t you remember running through the sprinklers as a kid?
Thumb Control Watering Nozzle – This nozzle has every option for watering. And you control the pressure with a simple, intuitive thumb lever. It includes a rain setting that keeps the water soft so you don’t pummel any petals when watering your pots. It also includes a soaker setting for those deep rooted trees, high pressure water for squirting dirt off the patio, plus more! Quite possibly our favorite feature is no matter which setting you chose it clicks into place so water doesn’t spew everywhere! This tool is the ultimate never ending watering can.
Heavy Duty Quick Connector – This little piece is a game changer! It allows you to switch between your nozzles without water going everywhere! It’s heavy duty, rust-resistant, and creates a tight seal!

Mother Nature has a nice way of creating repeating patterns in all kinds of things! Here at The House That Lars Built we LOVE patterns too! Really. We love them all. You can make patterns in your grass by mowing in certain directions. Popular mowing patterns include stripes, circles and diamonds and we’ve given you a play by play of them all!
Stripes work well for any type of lawn. This pattern is made by taking the lawn mower back and forth across the lawn along the previous line made before. This is the quickest pattern to mow. This pattern can also be done on a diagonal which amplifies the design!
This pattern works best if you have a centered feature in the yard like a fountain, tree, or garden. The circle pattern is created by mowing around the perimeter of the yard. After outlining the yard, mow a radius line to the center feature and begin a stripe pattern (see above) in a circle pattern. Alternating back and forth from the radius line.
The Diamond Pattern
The diamond pattern is created by doing the stripe pattern on the diagonal twice! The first time mowing, create the normal stripe pattern back and forth across your lawn. The second time, take the stripes at an angle to your original and lower your blade ¼”. This will make the stripes pop and will ensure your grass is truly cut at the same length!
A few tips and tricks about patterns:
- Cool season grass stripes better than warm season grass
- Stripes come out best on thick grass
- Taller grass = more bending of the grass which results in more defined stripes
Are you a pattern lover too? Which pattern will you be trying out?
This post is sponsored by Gilmour. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that allow Lars to create unique and inspired content for you.