We’ve been frantically working behind the scenes because March is a very exciting month for us. It’s 1) Women’s Month and 2) National Craft Month. Those two together meant that we needed a special book to go along with it for Lars Book Club. Well, we found one in…drum roll please…
Craftfulness: Mend Yourself by Making Things by Rosemary Davidson and Arzu Tahsin. It’s the book that I’ve been thinking of writing before I stumbled onto it so clearly I think it’s an important read. There’s no better way to celebrate crafting and making than learning about the importance it has for our well-being and healing.
Don’t be mistaken, this is no “crafting book” but rather an exploration of what it means to make and how generations of women and men have achieved happiness on their quest of life through the use of their hands to create.
If there was ever a time to hop on for the bookclub, it is now! Trust us, you are going to want to read this one!
March Book Club of the Month: Craftfulness
Stay tuned for this exciting read along with one of our favorite illustrators (can’t wait to share who it is with you!).
What does it mean to join Lars Book Club?
There’s no official induction, just pick up a copy, read with us, and participate in the discussion going on over at @LarsBookClub where we share snippets from the book along with discussion questions, and reminders. And mid-month we share a poster inspired by the book by one of our favorite artist. You can see some of our previous artwork over in our Lars Print Shop here. The artists design a bookmark, which you can download for free or you can download the artwork, get it framed or matted and keep as a reminder of some of your favorite reads.
We’re glad to have you a part of our club!
You can find Craftfulness here!