The holidays are here! And with that, an inspiring but easy book to curl up with! Are you enjoying Your Inner Critic Is a Big Jerk?? That really is such an accurate title – we put labels on ourselves, we make excuses, we get intimidated, and we let that jerk of an inner critic take over. Well, I hope Danielle Krysa’s book is picking your brain about why you may be stuck in a creative rut and how to get out of it. Or maybe you thought you weren’t the creative type at all, but were wanting to be…only to realize that that one skill or hobby you love really IS your creative outlet! Whatever stage you’re at, take notes from Your Inner Critic and push yourself to try something new. Below are some questions for you to think about, and some further reading suggestions as well.
Our guest illustrator for this month is Michelle Christensen of My Little Belleville who created a quote from the book and corresponding bookmark FREE to download! Michelle is a friend who has done lots of rad illustrations for Lars in the past. (You must be familiar with her famous faces by now…I have bought so many things from her!). We were lucky to get her for this month’s book club read! Enjoy!
- Krysa’s book is focused on ten truths about being creative. Did you agree with them all? Did one or two truths strike you more than the others or, maybe…surprise you? or put things in better perspective? (i.e. “Ohhh, (forehead slap) THAT’S why I’ve been so STUCK!”) Would you add any other truths that have presented themselves during your creative endeavors and experiences?
- Krysa points out how readily and without hesitation children affirm that they indeed ARE artists, while if you asked an adult that question, we would more readily respond in the negative. How and why does this perception change?? Why do we do this to ourselves? (Go get some macaroni, paint, glue, and have FUN!)
- One point in Chapter 6 strikes a chord: Stand up for yourself. Krysa suggests actually writing down and reading aloud (at full volume!) the words your inner critic speaks. Then she states, “Now let me ask you this- would you ever, ever say these words to someone else? A friend, a colleague, a student, a child? No, of course not; so why on earth do we speak to ourselves in such a harsh, abusive way?” Why indeed? Do you think this tactic will help you defend our own creative self?
- Did you find Krysa’s own artistic story (and those of the other creatives she included), helpful? What was your favorite experience or even famous quote that she shared? The book is full of them!
There were about a million other questions I could have taken from this great book (but I’ll spare you)! 🙂 If you liked Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk, you might like these…
Creative Block: Get Unstuck, Discover New Ideas by Danielle Krysa
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon
The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna
DOWNLOAD the free printable quote and bookmark here.
Feel free to follow along on Instagram @larsbookclub as we continue reading! We’d love to hear your thoughts about the book – what you’ve loved or haven’t loved, what has inspired you or given you a jump-start in creativity, etc. Tag a photo with #larsbookclub. Happy reading!
Photography by Anna Killian | Illustration by Michelle Christensen